
Webinars to Support Your Project or Program Success

We’re invested in your success! Join us online for monthly webinars that provide insights, ideas, and feedback sessions geared toward making your program or project a success for native communities.

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Instructional Webinars Archive

This is an archive of instructional webinars conducted by the Western Region TTA Center, ANA and ACF.

Effective Community-Wide Native Language Strategies

February 15, 2017

For many years, native language projects have been making strides in increasing the fluency of their students with the assistance of ANA funding. But how do we go about increasing language use within the entire community? In this webinar, we showcase Native Language projects that have been successful in affecting change in language awareness and use within their communities.

Are You Ready to Apply for Federal Funding?

December 12, 2016

Obtaining a DUNS number and registering with SAM.gov AND Grants.gov are all required steps in the process of applying for federal funding. In this webinar, we break down what can seem a long and lengthy process into simple steps.

Indigenous Evaluation

October 5, 2016

Evaluation is key to successful project management and is usually a requirement when seeking funding. In this webinar, we discuss how indigenous ways of knowing can be woven into your evaluation plan.

Logic Models: A Framework for a Project

September 7, 2016

A logic model is a roadmap connecting the need for a project to its desired results. Join us as we go over the steps and the terminology used in creating logic models, and discover how they can be a valuable tool for your project planning

Language Teacher Certification and Retention

October 15, 2015

Language teachers are vital to the strength of language projects. Listen to language grantees from around the country give their best advice on teachers and their importance to the longevity of your project.

Sustaining a Language Program: Other Funding Sources

April 17, 2015

Grantees from two different language programs share what resources they use and strategies they follow to ensure the sustainability of their projects.

Using Census Data to Your Advantage

January 15, 2015

Data Dissemination Specialist Amadeo Shije returns with an in-depth tutorial on how to locate the data you need to support your grant proposal.

SEEDS: Economic Empowerment for Our Native Community

December 6, 2014

A new initiative proposed by the Administration for Native Americans, Sustainable Employment and Economic Development Strategies (SEEDS) help to create jobs and businesses for Native American tribes and organizations.

Project Orientation: a Practice for Successful Project Implementation

October 29, 2014

You’ve received an award, now what? Promptly holding project orientations for your staff is crucial to successful project implementation. Put your best foot forward using the strategies and techniques presented, here, by our Technical Assistance Specialist.