
Webinars to Support Your Project or Program Success

We’re invested in your success! Join us online for monthly webinars that provide insights, ideas, and feedback sessions geared toward making your program or project a success for native communities.

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Instructional Webinars Archive

This is an archive of instructional webinars conducted by the Western Region TTA Center, ANA and ACF.

Pre-Application 1: Current Community Condition

April 29, 2024

For best quality, please use full screen view by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

In this short, Pre-App Training vignette, you will learn about the Current Community Condition, its importance, and how to draft a statement addressing your community’s top priority issue. This is video 1 in our Pre-App Training Series. We encourage you to access our Training Materials for this here. We also offer a descriptive transcript for this video, if needed.

Pre-Application 2: Project Goal

April 29, 2024

For best quality, please use full screen view by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

In this short, Pre-App Training vignette, you will learn about the Project Goal, its scope, and how to draft a statement addressing that connects to the NOFO. This is video 2 in our Pre-App Training Series. We encourage you to access our Training Materials for this here. We also offer a descriptive transcript for this video, if needed.

Pre-Application 3: Objectives

April 29, 2024

For best quality, please use full screen view by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

In this short, Pre-App Training vignette, you will learn about Objectives, making your Project Goal Manageable, and how to draft each to fulfill the requirements of the NOFO. This is video 3 in our Pre-App Training Series. We encourage you to access our Training Materials for this here. We also offer a descriptive transcript for this video, if needed.

Pre-Application 4: Project Implementation

April 29, 2024

For best quality, please use full screen view by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

In this short, Pre-App Training vignette, you will learn about the sub-criterion elements under Project Implementation, addressing challenges, and how to draft a complete project plan. This is video 4 in our Pre-App Training Series. We encourage you to access our Training Materials for this here. We also offer a descriptive transcript for this video, if needed.

Pre-Application 5: Community-Based Strategy

April 29, 2024

For best quality, please use full screen view by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

In this short, Pre-App Training vignette, you will learn about the sub-criterion elements under Community-Based Strategy, the importance of engaging your community, and how to fully support your claims with evidence. This is video 5 in our Pre-App Training Series. We encourage you to access our Training Materials for this here. We also offer a descriptive transcript for this video, if needed.

Pre-Application 6: Outcomes

April 29, 2024

For best quality, please use full screen view by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

In this short, Pre-App Training vignette, you will learn about Outcomes, how they connect with Objectives, and how to consider the community-level change. This is video 6 in our Pre-App Training Series. We encourage you to access our Training Materials for this here. We also offer a descriptive transcript for this video, if needed.

Pre-Application 7: Objective Work Plan

April 29, 2024

For best quality, please use full screen view by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

In this short, Pre-App Training vignette, you will learn about the Objective Work Plan, how to fill it in, and how to ensure that it is logical and aligns with the NOFO. This is video 7 in our Pre-App Training Series. We encourage you to access our Training Materials for this here. We also offer a descriptive transcript for this video, if needed.

Pre-Application 8: Organizational Capacity

April 29, 2024

For best quality, please use full screen view by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

In this short, Pre-App Training vignette, you will learn about Organizational Capacity, how to illustrate your staffing structure, and ensure you have proper oversight in place. This is video 8 in our Pre-App Training Series. We encourage you to access our Training Materials for this here. We also offer a descriptive transcript for this video, if needed.

Pre-Application 9: Budget

April 29, 2024

For best quality, please use full screen view by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

In this short, Pre-App Training vignette, you will learn about the Line-Item Budget, how to draft your Budget Justification, and how to support estimated costs with evidence. This is video 9 in our Pre-App Training Series. We encourage you to access our Training Materials for this here. We also offer a descriptive transcript for this video, if needed.

Second Chances: Tools to Support Reentry

May 31, 2022

For best quality, please use full screen view by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

In this video, we discuss tools that support the reentry of incarcerated individuals. If you have questions, we encourage you to reach out with any questions by submitting a Technical Assistance Request here. We also offer a descriptive transcript for this video, if needed.

Economic Development Master Plan: An Avenue to Native Community Growth and Stability

April 12, 2022

For best quality, please use full screen view by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

In this video, we discuss Master Planning. If you have questions, we encourage you to reach out with any questions by submitting a Technical Assistance Request here. We also offer a descriptive transcript for this video, if needed.

Exploring Self-Evaluation: An Introspective Look at Project Progress

December 2, 2021

It is important to know when, how, and why to evaluate the progress of your project. Follow Teresa Peterson in her presentation of Dakota Wicohan Cultural Center’s self-designed evaluation process.

American Rescue Plan Act: Emergency Native Language Funding Opportunity Training

May 28, 2021

For best quality, please use full screen view by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

In this video, we will review the non-competitive Emergency Native Language Funding allotment: what it is and how to apply. This opportunity can be found on Grants.gov at this link. We encourage you to reach out with any questions by submitting a Technical Assistance Request here. We also offer a descriptive transcript for this video, if needed.

Securing our Sustenance

April 12, 2021

To view this webinar please click this link

Tribal communities have historically experienced high rates of food insecurity and the pandemic has only amplified this issue. Studies have shown that approximately 25% of Native Americans face food insecurity, and this rate is higher in rural communities where access to food is scarce. Food sovereignty offers a path toward increased food security, greater self-sufficiency, and economic opportunity. Many tribal nations have found creative ways to utilize existing federal programs to increase food security and improve access to healthy and traditional foods.

Use the link above to access more information about this webinar and our partners. While viewing, remember to use full screen mode for best quality by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

Project Planning and Development 8: Budget

February 2, 2021

For best quality, please use full screen view by clicking on the diagonal arrows in the corner of the video screen.

In this final, PPD Training vignette, you will learn how to build a budget to fill gaps in the resources and assets that are already available to you. This is video 8 in our PPD Training Series. We encourage you to access our Training Materials for this here. We also offer a descriptive transcript for this video, if needed.